802.11 WLAN Vendors

Peter Welcher
Architect, Operations Technical Advisor

In October 2009, Dr. Pete Welcher presented these slides at a Bluesnet Network Advisory Group meeting in Santa Barbara, CA.This presentation covers Wireless LAN (WLAN, WiFi, 802.11) vendors.

One conclusion is that Cisco has huge market share, vision, and ecosystem. Aruba is an active but smaller presence, and there are some other interesting but small players. The rest of the players look like they “don’t get it” — WLAN is about a lot more than AP + controller these days.

Note in passing: Pete doesn’t like Meru’s marketing approach, hints of intriguing technology with massive doses of over-hype and little solid information. Also, their techniques may hinder the performance of WLAN equipment from other vendors operating in proximity to Meru gear.

Click this link to review the icon 802.11 WLAN Vendors (1.09 MB) seminar PDF.

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