The Cisco NAC subnet filter is used to allow computers to bypass authentication and optionally perform posture assessment. The optional posture assessment is based on the role that is assigned to the subnet filter. These subnets can be added through the NAC Manager Web GUI or through the NAC API.
The NAC API provides a way of performing NAC functions through a script. A subnet filter script could be useful when adding or removing a large number of subnets. Cisco provides details on the API functionality, but does not provide a lot of examples for configuring scripts, so I thought I’d throw out a Perl script I wrote as an example.
The Perl script I wrote provides a means of adding or removing subnets. The usage screen is shown below.
####################################################################### Usage: perl [remove | add [deny, allow, role name]] file Example: perl add allow subnetlist.txt Example: perl add "employee" subnetlist.txt Example: perl remove subnetlist.txt - File must contain one Subnet per line in subnet,CIDR netmask,description format - Make user there is a carriage return after the last line - Example of a line:,24,Allowed Subnets #######################################################################
An example of adding a subnet is shown below.
perl add allow subnetlist.txt Enter the NAC Manager IP: Enter the NAC Manager User ID: admin Enter the NAC Manager password: password ################################################################# Log files have been created with the information below. Note: If the file existed in the current directory, it was deleted success.log = Successful additions failure.log = Failed additions info.log = Informative messages #################################################################
The full Perl script is shown below.
#! /usr/bin/perl -w ############################################################ # # Modified 8/1/2010 # # This Perl script changes the Subnet filter list of existing # filter list entries to the "deny" access type. Because the NAC API # only support add and remove, we have to remove the subnet # and then add it back in with "deny" as the access type # # The script takes two or three parameters. The first parameter is whether # to add or remove the subnets. The second parameter is the role to use, if # "add" was chosen as the first parameter. The third parameter is the file # that contains a CSV file with the subnets, the CIDR subnet mask, and # description per line. # # There are three log files that are created. Success.log # contains the subnet of all subnets that were # successfully changed in the NAC subnet filter list. # Failure.log contains the subnets of all subnets # that failed to be added. Info.log contains information # about the success and failure of each subnet. The files # are overwritten on each script execution, so the files should be # saved to a different directory if they need to be kept # ############################################################ # Define variables $successlog = "success.log"; $failurelog = "failure.log"; $infolog = "info.log"; # Use HTTP Module use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST GET); use HTTP::Headers; use LWP::UserAgent; use MIME::Base64; sub usage() { print "nn#######################################################################n"; print "Usage: perl [remove | add [deny, allow, role name]] <filename>n"; print "Example: perl add allow subnetlist.txtn"; print "Example: perl add "employee" subnetlist.txtn"; print "Example: perl remove subnetlist.txtnn"; print " - File must contain one Subnet per line in <subnet>,<CIDR mask>,description formatn"; print " - Make user there is a carriage return after the last linen"; print " - Example of a line:,24,Allowed Subnetsn"; print "#######################################################################n"; } # Exit if an incorrect number of arguments are used if ($#ARGV < 1 or $#ARGV > 2) { usage(); exit 1; } $action = $ARGV[0]; if ($action =~ /add/) { if ($#ARGV != 2) { usage(); exit 1; } $type = $ARGV[1]; $file = $ARGV[2]; } elsif ($action =~ /remove/) { if ($#ARGV != 1) { usage(); exit 1; } $type = ""; $file = $ARGV[1]; } else { usage(); exit 1; } # Open file for reading open(FILE, "<$file") || die "nnCan't open file $file for readingn"; # Open LogFile open SLOG, "> $successlog"; open FLOG, "> $failurelog"; open ILOG, "> $infolog"; # Gathering information about access to the NAC Manager print "Enter the NAC Manager IP: "; $camip = <STDIN>; chomp($camip); print "Enter the NAC Manager User ID: "; $camuser = <STDIN>; chomp($camuser); print "Enter the NAC Manager password: "; $campassword = <STDIN>; chomp($campassword); # Setup the request parameters $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->agent("CCAAgent/v4.1.3 CleanAccessManager API"); $encoded = encode_base64("$camuser/:$campassword"); $url = "https://$camip/admin/cisco_api.jsp"; # Reading each line of the file while (<FILE>) { ($line) = $_; chomp($line); ($subnet,$mask,$description) = split(/,/,$line,3); #Error checking for valid Subnet if ($subnet !~ /dd?d?.dd?d?.dd?d?.dd?d?/) { print ILOG "Invalid Subnet $linen"; print FLOG "$linen"; next; } # Creating API request if ($action =~ /remove/) { # Creating requests $req = POST $url, 'Authorization' => "Basic ".$encoded, Content => [ op => "removesubnet", admin => "$camuser", passwd => "$campassword", subnet => "$subnet", mask => "$mask" ]; } if ($action =~ /add/) { if ($type =~ /allow/ || $type =~ /deny/) { $req = POST $url, 'Authorization' => "Basic ".$encoded, Content => [ op => "addsubnet", admin => "$camuser", passwd => "$campassword", subnet => "$subnet", mask => "$mask", type => "$type", desc => "$description" ]; } else { $req = POST $url, 'Authorization' => "Basic ".$encoded, Content => [ op => "addsubnet", admin => "$camuser", passwd => "$campassword", subnet => "$subnet", mask => "$mask", type => "userole", role => "$type", desc => "$description" ]; } } # Executing API request $res = $ua->request($req); $err = $res->status_line; # Put the results into $results $results = $res->content; ############# # Reporting ############# print ILOG "Result for $line "; print ILOG "Webserver response=$err "; print ILOG "API response=$results"; # CAM is reporting bad HTTP request if ($err !~ "200 OK") { print FLOG "$linen"; next; } # CAM response from API Request if ($results =~ /error=0/) { print SLOG "$linen"; } else { print FLOG "$linen"; } } # Close logfile close SLOG; close FLOG; close ILOG; print "n#################################################################n"; print "Log files have been created with the information below.n"; print "Note: If the file existed in the current directory, it was deletedn"; print " success.log = Successful additionsn"; print " failure.log = Failed additionsn"; print " info.log = Informative messagesn"; print "#################################################################n"; exit 0;