I have commented recently in IP Address Management – What do you use? about the cost of using spreadsheets to manage IP address space. I just found out that Infoblox participated in the 2001, Tech Field Day #5, which was Feb 10-11 in Silicon Valley and one of the delegates, Matthew Norwood wrote about it in his blog Network Therapy. His post is a pretty standard cover of the product functionality.
But then, towards the bottom, he pops the critical question, “What’s the value in all of this?” His answer is “time”. How much time should network engineers and administrators spend in dealing with rote network tasks such as IP address management or verifying that configurations match your network configuration policies. It is good to see that other people see the same things I do.
Re-posted with Permission
NetCraftsmen would like to acknowledge Infoblox for their permission to re-post this article which originally appeared in the Applied Infrastructure blog under http://www.infoblox.com/en/communities/blogs.html