IWAN Links

Peter Welcher
Architect, Operations Technical Advisor

There’s a new Cisco IWAN blog containing some good IWAN links. I’m mentioning it here in case you missed it, perhaps due to year end avoidance of online activities, busy-ness, etc. Also as followup to my prior IWAN (“Intelligent WAN”) blog, IWAN, Cisco, and Akamai (Oh My!).

In case you want the details, there’s a CVD (Cisco Validated Design) Guide titled Remote Site Using Local Internet Access, at  http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/solutions/CVD/Dec2013/CVD-RemoteSiteUsingLocalInternetAccessDesignGuide-DEC13.pdf. It should provide some interesting reading if you’ve had enough of holiday downtime and are looking for some tech reading to dig into.

The Cisco blog describes http://www.cisco.com/en/US/solutions/ns340/ns414/ns742/ns816/cvd_ent_wan.html#~Overview as the landing page for IWAN CVD documents.


Twitter: @pjwelcher

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