I’ve been doing a configuration change on over 500 devices of a customer’s network, and using NetMRI to install the change was extremely easy. Below is the script that I used, and I thought it would be useful to describe how it works. The overview of the process is that the script connects to each device in a work list, learns the desired MPLS VPNs that exist on the device, then adds a pair of import/export statements to the vrf configuration. When it has finished the configuration for all the matching vrfs on a device, it does an ‘end’ and ‘write mem’ to save the modified configs. Finally, I wanted to verify that the desired outcome was achieved, which was that a new route would be visible within the selected MPLS VPNs. If the route didn’t exist, I wanted to receive a notification of the failure so that I could correct it.
The script I used is shown in sections below. First, NetMRI automatically performed a login on each device. Then the Action section of the script starts the process by doing a ‘show run‘, and entering config mode. It then passes control to the Trigger: ProcessVRFs section to process the output of the ‘show run‘ command.
Script-Filter: $Vendor eq "Cisco" and $sysDescr like /IOS/ Script-Variables: $DEBUG word "set to 'debug-on' or 'debug-off'" string ######################################################################### Action: Show Run Action-Description: Execute 'show run', then enter config mode Action-Commands: show run config t Output-Triggers: ProcessVRFs SaveConfig
The Trigger: ProcessVRFs section of the script contains a Trigger-Variables definition to match the vrf name and a Trigger-Template that matches any command in the output that looks like ‘ip vrf testXX’, where XX is a two-digit number (each d matches one digit). [Note: It should be clear to you from this example that naming standards are good – it makes automated configuration updates much easier to implement.] The Trigger-Commands section then cycles through each of the vrf names, issuing the commands to configure the route-targets and exit vrf config mode. A sleep action is performed after each set of configuration commands and then the route is checked. Note that the variable $success is set to ‘no’ for each vrf that is processed, prior to handing control to the Output-Triggers, which are CheckVRFRoute and IssueRouteFailed. Because CheckVRFRoute gets control next, it parses the output of the ‘show ip route vrf’ command.
######################################################################### Trigger: ProcessVRFs Trigger-Description: For each 'ip vrf testXX', add the import/export statements Trigger-Variables: $vrfName/testdd/ string Trigger-Template: ip vrf [[$vrfName]] Trigger-Commands: ip vrf $vrfName route-target export 10:6 route-target import 6:10 exit SLEEP: 10 do show ip route vrf $vrfName SET: $success = "no" Output-Triggers: CheckVRFRoute IssueRouteFailed
The Trigger: CheckVRFRoute section checks that the desired route exists in each vrf by matching the pattern defined in the Trigger-Template section. If the template matches the output from the ‘show ip route vrf’ command from the ProcessVRFs Trigger section, the desired route exists and the script sets the variable $success = “yes”.
######################################################################### Trigger: CheckVRFRoute Trigger-Description: Verify that the route to the hub now exists in the VRF. Trigger-Template: Trigger-Commands: SET: $success = "yes"
The Trigger: SaveConfig section exits config mode and saves the config after the ProcessVRFs section has finished adding the import/export commands to the vrfs.
######################################################################### Trigger: SaveConfig Trigger-Description: All VRFs have been processed, save the updated config. Trigger-Filter: $DEBUG eq "debug-off" Trigger-Commands: end wr mem
Finally, the Issue: IssueRouteFailed section gets control. It includes an Issue-Filter that will only create an issue if the variable $success is set to ‘no’, which indicates that the desired route was not found by the CheckVRFRoute Trigger section. By creating an issue only for failures, I had an easy way to run the script on hundreds of devices and get a notification only if a device failed to show the desired route.
######################################################################### Issue: IssueRouteFailed Issue-ID: testVRFFailed Issue-Severity:Error Issue-Description: The route to the services subnet does not appear in the test vrf. Issue-Filter: $success eq "no" Issue-Details: Host$IPAddress Name$Name VRF$vrfName
The script took only a few minutes to check over 500 devices, making my weekend change window a relaxing event rather a stressful day driving the CLI on a lot of devices. [Note: Just glue each of the above sections together to recreate the script.] There are several other ways that this script could have been created. For example, the SLEEP could have been moved outside the loop where each vrf is modified, but that would have required an additional Trigger section.
Re-posted with Permission
NetCraftsmen would like to acknowledge Infoblox for their permission to re-post this article which originally appeared in the Applied Infrastructure blog under http://www.infoblox.com/en/communities/blogs.html