If you’ve just manually configured SSL on a Cisco Unity server, it’s a good idea to verify that PCA still operates as expected. If you can still access the page but are having problems once you get there, here is what I’d suggest looking at first:
In Windows 2003 Server, open IIS Manager. Expand the System, Web Sites, and the Default Web Site. Right-click Jakarta, view the properties and verify the following:
Directory Security > Authentication and Access Control > Edit > Authentication Methods – Enable Anonymous Access and Integrated Windows Authentication
Anonymous Access and IWA should both be ENABLED (CHECKED).
Now, under Default Web Site right-click AvXml and view the properties to verify the following:
Directory Security > Authentication and Access Control > Edit > Authentication Methods – Enable Anonymous Access
Anonymous Access should be ENABLED (CHECKED). PCA does not support IWA.
Secure Communications > Edit – Require Secure Channel (SSL)
If you have to make changes in order to accommodate the settings noted above, be sure to save/apply them.
If you are having other issues specific to PCA or with Unity in general and don’t know where to look, be sure to download the Troubleshooting Guide for the applicable version of Unity that you’re working with from Cisco’s website. It’s a great resource to have handy.