Ultimate Cisco Live Attendee Designation

Carole Warner Reece

2011_08_17_ultimate_ciscoliveWhat do you know – I’ve been selected as the Ultimate Cisco Live Attendee!


I have to admit, although I am quite pleased, I am not altogether sure if I can add it to my work bio, and IF I do, where do I file it. “Industry Designations” perhaps?

I do have some hints if you aspire to compete next year:

  • I do not think it was the temporary CCIE tattoo that gave me the edge over the other finalists, but maybe it does show participation.
  • I do not know if it was maybe my Disney style Cisco pin-on-the lanyard collection that gave me the edge, but maybe it does show both ongoing commitment AND a willingness to start a trend. (And an ability to fail at starting a trend…)
  • I’d like to think it was maybe in part my sparkling personality. (I admit some of my co-workers and both of my children do not want me even to drink caffeinated beverages in public…)

More seriously, I do admit to spending some reasonable amount of time working on a self-nomination in the airport while on a layover flying home from Cisco Live. So probably the most important three steps were:

  1. convincing my company to send me to Cisco Live, again
  2. noticing there was a contest
  3. applying

fwiw, I do happen to notice contests, and seem to win a fair share of them…

For more hints at this and other contests and even networking, look me up next year at Cisco Live! Or follow me on in the NetCraftsmen Staff blogs or on twitter @cwreece or http://twitter.com/#!/cwreece until next Cisco Live.


ps – I’ve also been amused by the range of responses from my colleagues:

  • Congratulations! / Congrats!
  • I figured you’d get it.
  • Fifteen minutes and counting… 😉
  • That’s really cool, Carole.
  • Very nice! 🙂
  • Well done, great job.
  • Well ain’t you the cat’s meow?   <– my personal favorite!

pps – David, can I go again next year?

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