Cisco IOS SSL VPN Example

I wanted to show an example of using clientless and thin client features in this blog entry. Before going into the example, I wanted to point out the general methodology for implementing the IOS SSL VPN. The “webvpn context” command is the container that houses the individual parameters for the VPN. The “webvpn gateway” and “policy group” provide the parameters that are added to the “webvpn context”.
The example is based on the diagram below

For this example, the router needs to provide a user on the 192.168.137.x network secure access to R1 through an SSL web portal. HTTP acccess, to R1, is provided through a URL link. HTTPS and SSH access, to R1, is provided by port forwarding. In a real world example, this type of access could allow emergency access for a network administrator from any computer.

The first step is to set up the authentication method for the user. The IOS SSL VPN uses the default AAA method by default. For this example, we will use local authentication with the commands below

aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local
username cisco password cisco

The next step is to setup the IP and port information for connectivity to the SSL VPN. The IOS SSL VPN allows the IP to be based on the interface IP of the router or a virtual IP address. Additionally, the port can be the standard 443/tcp or it can be another manually assigned port. For this example, we will use the fa1/0 interface of the router and port 8000/tcp. This is shown below.

webvpn gateway SSL1
hostname SSL1
ip address port 8000
ssl trustpoint TP-self-signed-4294967295

Notice the “ssl trustpoint” in the configuration. This is automatically created when the “inservice” command is added to active the configuration.

The next step is to create the “webvpn context”. As stated earlier, this is the container for the VPN parameters. Within the “webvpn context” container, there are number of parameters that are defined and applied. For example:

  1. A URL can be defined
  2. The URL can be applied to a policy group
  3. The policy group can then be applied to the context

This is all within the “webvpn context” container. An example is shown below

webvpn context SSL
url-list “R1”
heading “R1”
url-text “R1-http” url-value “”
policy group default
url-list “R1”
default-group-policy default

This shows the URL list, R1, being defined and then applied to the policy group, default. The policy group, default, is then applied to the context with the “default-group-policy” command.

In a similar manner, the IOS SSL VPN can support port forwarding. This is shown below.

webvpn context SSL
port-forward “R1”
local-port 5000 remote-server “” remote-port 443 description “R1 HTTPS”
local-port 5001 remote-server “” remote-port 22 description “R1 SSH”
policy group default
port-forward “R1” auto-download
default-group-policy default

This portion shows how to forward ports. When a user uses a web browser to access, they are redirected to through the SSL connection. Similarly, when a users uses an SSH client to access on port 5001, they are redirected to on port 22. In the “port-forward” command, notice the “auto-download” parameter. This causes the port forward connectivity to launch automatically, instead of requiring the user to click on the “thin client” start button shown below

The screenshots below show the GUI experience based on the configuration above.

1. The user accesses the web portal at

2. The user logs in and is presented with the web portal

3. At the same time as step 2, the port forwarding window appears with the setting for port forwarding

Below is the full relevant config for the example above

aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local
username cisco password 0 cisco
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
webvpn gateway SSL1
hostname SSL1
ip address port 8000
ssl trustpoint TP-self-signed-4294967295
webvpn context SSL
ssl authenticate verify all
url-list “R1”
heading “R1”
url-text “R1-http” url-value “”
port-forward “R1”
local-port 5000 remote-server “” remote-port 443 description “R1 HTTPS”
local-port 5001 remote-server “” remote-port 22 description “R1 SSH”
policy group default
url-list “R1”
port-forward “R1” auto-download
banner “Welcome to the IOS SSL Lab”
default-group-policy default
gateway SSL1

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