IOS to NX-OS Converter Tool from Cisco

Carole Warner Reece

I recently noticed that Cisco has a tool for converting IOS configurations to NX-OS configurations. The tool is called “IOS-NXOS Migration Tool”, it is located here:
My quick review follows.

You need a CCO account to connect to the tool. After you log in, you first make a template which is really a mapping to support the source IOS and the target NX-OS. A limited subset of versions are supported: either Catalyst 6500 12.2SX or Cat 4500 Catalyst 12.2(54)SG to either N7K NX-OS 5.1 or N5K NX-OS 5.0.
After you have a mapping, you upload a configuration file, wait a few seconds, and the tool provides a converted file, as well as a PDF of an exception report with color coding:

  • Error Code 1 – Not supported by the tool yet. [Other references suggest you refer to the IOS and NX-OS configuration guide to convert the command manually. You can also view the Cisco IOS commands supported by the tool.]
  • Error Code 2 – No equivalent NX-OS command [NX-OS does not support this command and/or feature currently. Other references suuggest looking for alternate ways to achieve this from the existing NX-OS features. Refer to configuration guide again.]
  • Error Code 3 – NX-OS command does not support IOS command element [Means that some option of general command not supported) [Other references mention that an attribute of elements of this IOS command not supported in NX-OS currently, Customers are requested to analyze the impact and request potential updates to tool.]
  • Error Code 4 – IOS command does not support element [Means the tool’s version of IOS does not support command you entered… I found this odd, so my commands came from a working IOS config…]

You also get a .CSV that includes both converted and unconverted commands. For every unconverted command it gives you a summary why.
The reports provides lists two command references:

The tool converts all GE, TenGE, … interfaces to just Ethernet, and does not try to guess what really fits in a NX-OS chassis or your specific chassis.

My take away – the tool works in general, but some manual clean up will be needed. It does not support more recent NX-OS versions. I probably won’t use it, I have scripts and macros already that help me map the old interfaces to supported interfaces.

— cwr

2 responses to “IOS to NX-OS Converter Tool from Cisco

  1. Hi Carole,
    Thanks for the detailed review. We have added support for MPLS and Catalyst slot to FEX conversion now. Please review the tool when you get a chance.

    Srini Kannayan
    Product Manager, Cisco

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