Wireless Fundamentals at C-MUG Feb 2011


At this session on “Wireless Fundamentals for Network Engineers”, Ron Trunk, CCIE #5942, Sr. Consultant, will present an overview of RF theory and technology designed specifically for network engineers to gently introduce them to the world of RF (you know, that analog stuff). He will go over basic RF concepts, antennas, modulation and performance. He will also delve into the 802.11 protocol, its features and limitations, and how it affects your wireless design. In this session, you will learn how to diagnose RF problems, plan wireless deployments, and increase your network performance.

Registration information is now available on the Cisco Mid-Atlantic User Group Information page.

One response to “Wireless Fundamentals at C-MUG Feb 2011

  1. Wireless Fundamentals consists some of the features like protocol and has also affected wireless designs and also increase network performance.

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